Our Witch Hazel Wands are made from contorted hazel boughs and branches. Hazel wood has long been known to be a magic wood in these parts and is one of the sacred trees of Wicca Witchcraft. Our wands are made from wood which has an urge to bend and curl as it grows and is distinctive by its dark reddy~brown bark and white~ish wood underneath.
It makes a perfect wood to carve and to whittle.
Hazel Wands have often been found amongst the traditional burial symbols of the ancient British chiefs and rulers. It was a symbol of power and sometimes of magical ability.
Even earlier, Mercury (Roman) or Hermes (the Greek counterpart), the messenger of the gods was often seen with a wand of Hazel (his "Caduceus") which had many powers... one of which was to turn anything into gold!
Hazel has been considered magical ~ possibly by its association with its powers of divination ~ usually finding water but also gems and precious metals, treasure, thieves and even murderers!
The way to cut a wand was to find a tree that has yet to bare fruit and at sunrise on a Wednesday (Mercury's day, as in french Mercredi) and to cut a branch with a single stroke from a sickle. We try to cut all our wood for our Witch Hazel Wands on a Wednesday!